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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. NACDEP Annual Meeting and ANREP Conference

    Visit website for more info. ...

  2. Career Bootcamp 2016

    SENR’s 2016 Bootcamp will be held on Tuesday, January 26th from 5:00- 8:00 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Through this event, ENRAS and the Coalition of Student Organizations help both current students and recent graduates connect ...

  3. Funding Your Education with Associateships and Fellowships

    Funding opportunities such as fellowships and graduate associateships are considered for all admitted MS and PhD students. These awards can be through the Graduate School or the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Funding for associateships and f ...

  4. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture

    Lal, Rattan. 2015. Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70(3):55A-62A. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  5. Differences in Spring 2016 ENR 4900.01 Offerings

    Attention SENIORS: The two capstone course offerings for Spring 2016 differ slightly. Please read the course descriptions HERE, then decide which one most fits your interests. ...

  6. Program Will Look at Faith and the Environment

    Four religious leaders with roots in Ohio will speak in a panel discussion called “Faiths Worldwide Tackle Environmental Challenges” on Oct. 13 at The Ohio State University.  The event is part of a monthly breakfast program series hosted by the Ohio State ...

  7. Steven K. Lower

    Steven K. Lower Professor 614-292-1571 275 Mendenhall Lab, 125 S. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 Education B.S., Kent State University, Biology & Geology M.S., Kent State University, Environmental Chemistry Ph.D., Virginia Tech, Microbi ...

  8. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos

    Yocco, Victor S., Jeremy Bruskotter, Robyn Wilson and Joseph E. Heimlich. 2014. Why should I care? Exploring the use of environmental concern as a frame of communication in zoos. The Journal of Environmental Education   46(1):56-71. doi: 10.1080/00958964. ...

  9. Evaluating whether nature's intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation

    Vucetich, John A., Jeremy T. Bruskotter and Michael Paul Nelson. 2015. Evaluating whether nature's intrinsic value is an axiom of or anathema to conservation. Conservation Biology   29(2):321-332. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12464 Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal ...

  10. Social Indicators for Watershed Leadership Bulletin Available

    A collaborative approach to watershed management requires leaders with a diverse range of knowledge and skills. This bulletin presents findings from a research project aimed at identifying indicators of effective watershed leaders. This study demonstrates ...
