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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. ENRAS Executive Council Meeting

    The next meeting for the ENRAS Executive Council will be Tuesday, April 26, 2016 from 6:00-8:00pm at the Longaberger Alumni House, Arizona Room. Email to let us know if you are attending and so we can get a head count for refreshments! ...

  2. Walls are Moving at the Wetlands and More News!

    Renovations are progressing at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park! ...

  3. Jed Brensinger's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Jed Brensinger, MS Candidate, Environmental Social Science, will present 'Making Connections: Exploring the Relationship Between Childhood Nature Experiences, Environmental Concern and Behaviors, and Connection to Nature', as his Graduate Defens ...

  4. Interaction of deep placed controlled-release urea and water retention agent on nitrogen and water use and maize yield

    Guo, Liwei, Tangyuan Ning, Liangpeng Nie, Zengjia Li and Rattan Lal. 2016. Interaction of deep placed controlled-release urea and water retention agent on nitrogen and water use and maize yield. European Journal of Agronomy 75:118-129. Rattan Lal Journal ...

  5. Reducing bias in population and landscape genetic inferences: the effects of sampling related individuals and multiple life stages

    Peterman, William, Emily R. Brocato, Raymond D. Semlitsch and Lori S. Eggert. 2016. Reducing bias in population and landscape genetic inferences: the effects of sampling related individuals and multiple life stages. PeerJ 4.   William Peterman Journal art ...

  6. NEW! Guide Released on Habitat Management for Cerulean Warblers

    Produced as part of a collaborative multi-year, multi-state research and management project the new guide Management Guidelines for Enhancing Cerulean Warbler Breeding Habitat  in Appalachian Hardwood Forests  provides land managers guidelines for retaini ...

  7. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar Series

    Autumn 2015 SENR SEMINAR SERIES ENR 8980 Day:   Thursdays
 Time:   4:10- 5:30 p.m. 
Location:  103 Kottman Hall with video link to 123 Williams Hall   Instructors: Greg Hitzhusen and Ramiro Berardo The SENR Seminar Series is held during the autumn and spr ...

  8. SENR Undergraduates Present Research at OSU Forum

    On Tuesday, February 26, several SENR undergraduates participated in the 10th Annual College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Undergraduate Research Forum.  ...

  9. Faculty to study sources and fates of nutrients in Ohio River basin watersheds

    Mažeika Sullivan, Kris Jaeger, Lauren Pintor,  and  Kaiguang Zhao, faculty in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, have been awarded a grant to study the sources and fates of nutrients in watersheds of the Ohio River basin. The project address ...

  10. SENR Research Recognized at Annual OARDC Conference

    SENR's Dr. Richard Moore and Dr. Robyn Wilson are part of the multidisciplinary Vegetable Safety Research and Extension Team studying how produce gets contaminated, then uses that knowledge to develop new control methods that are science-based, affor ...
