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CFAES Student Council Ice Skating Social
An ice skating social hosted by CFAES Student council, will be taking place 8:15-10:15 p.m next Saturday, January 30th at the OSU ice rink. Please bring $3 to rent skates and enjoy an adventurous activity with fellow students. Hot chocolate and cookies wi ...
Dr. Stanley Gehrt's Coyote Research Featured in Podcast
A 60-Second Science podcast "Coyote Size Forces Smartness" by Steve Mirsky for Scientific American features Dr. Stanley Gehrt's research on urban coyotes and his talk at ScienceWriters2014. ...
iTunes U Introduction to Environmental Science recognized by Apple
Ohio State's iTunes U course Introduction to Environmental Science has been named by Apple as one of the "Best of 2015." Congratulations to Associate Professor Brian Lower and Instructional Designer Kylienne Clark on this recognition. ...
Lessons from the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) a Century Ago
The SENR Spring 2016 Seminar Series welcomes David Blockstein, Senior Scientist, National Council for Science and Environment, Project Passenger Pigeon, who will present " Lessons from the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) a ...
2016 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop
Registration starts at 8:30 am, the concurrent sessions start at 9:00 am and adjourns at 3:30. Join us for sessions on tree identification, raptors, managing aquatic plant and algae, pollinator habitat, invasive plant identification, and control, wood ide ...
Discussion on Thinking "Bigger"
RSVP for Paper beats plastic TED Talk with Aparna Dial, University Energy and Sustainability Engineer, Director of Energy Services and Sustainability and the Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility Committee of Council of graduate Students discuss ...
Taste of OSU 2016
The Taste of OSU is an evening of cultural performances on stage, exhibits and food from around the world provided by more than 30 different international and ethnic clubs on campus. The event is free and open to all Ohio State students, faculty, staff, a ...
Comprehensive Energy Management Plan Campus Meetings
To strengthen our sustainability efforts, Ohio State is considering an innovative energy strategy that also could provide new resources for our academic mission. Your input is important to the process. The Office of Academic Affairs is hosting two campus ...
Ohio Natural History Conference
Save the Date! The Ohio Biolocial Survey will hold the Ohio Natural History Conference Saturday (2/27) at the Ohio History Center in Columbus, OH. Online registration is open and a call for papers and posters is given on their website. We hope to see y ...
TEDx Reconstructing Reality
Join TEDxOhioStateUniversity for our 5th annual event. This year’s theme, Reconstructing Reality, will feature students, faculty, staff, and alumni as speakers and performers who will inspire and challenge our concepts of science, technology, history, and ...