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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Request Accessibility Accommodation

    If you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation, please use the form below.  If you have any difficulty using this form, please email your request to 4-H Members:  This form is for specific accommodation requests. I ...

  2. Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone

    All too often we witness subtle comments or behaviors rooted in bias that cause harm to others, sometimes unintentionally and frequently directed toward people from marginalized social identity groups. Have you ever witnessed a bias incident such as a mic ...

  3. Continuing Education for OCVN's

    Being a Naturalist in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Field Panelists Susan Leopold PhD (Ethnobotonist, United Plant Savers), Nancy Stranahan (Director of the Arc of Appalachia Preserve System), Nicole Jackson (Environmental Educator), and Rick Ga ...

  4. Jefferson and Harrison County OCVNs Receive Their Certificates

    The newest OCVN course just wrapped up Sept. 14 in Jefferson and Harrison counties.  This exciting course in Eastern Ohio featured  unique natural habitats along the Ohio river and explored both natural and cultural history.  The course led by OSU Extensi ...

  5. Jefferson and Harrison county OCVNs receive certificates

    The newest OCVN course just wrapped up Sept. 14 in Jefferson and Harrison counties.  This exciting course in Eastern Ohio featured  unique natural habitats along the Ohio river and explored both natural and cultural history.  The course led by OSU Extensi ...

  6. TEST Video link page

    This page contains the video link block. ...

  7. Chris Zoller

    Chris Zoller Assistant Director (Interim), Agriculture and Natural Resources 32 Agricultural Admin Building 2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210 Chris Zoller is the interim assistant director, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dec. 1, 2023 ...

  8. CFAES Principles of Community

    We are a community of people whose principles strive to create and contribute to a more equitable and just community. Our Principles of Community foster our vision for our community.  To affirm our conviction that racism has no place in CFAES, we invite y ...

  9. SLDS- Understanding & Managing Student Accommodations

    Join Madalyn Lyons, MSW, LSW, SLDS Access Specialist as she shares information about managing student accommodations and provides best practices and resources for faculty and staff.  ...

  10. Dr. Tiffany Halsell

    Dr. Tiffany Halsell Multicultural Student Initiatives Director   Dr. Tiffany Y. Halsell is excited to join the CFAES family as the DEI Multicultural Student Initiatives Director to support the needs our diverse student body. She joins ou ...
