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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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            The goal of the Ohio Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program is to increase the competitive base for marketing Ohio cattle. Beef Quality Assurance is a program to ensure that beef and diary cattle are maintained in a manner which will result in a saf ...

  2. Ohio Berry Field Night

    Come join us for an informative field night featuring information to benefit both beginner and advanced growers, and to teach you proven techniques to maximize production and quality in your plantings and vineyards. Areas of focus during this event will i ...

  3. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics including pumpkin management, squash bug thresholds, the use of season-long row covers, watermelon pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These eve ...

  4. Hanping Wang, PhD

    Hanping Wang, PhD Principal Scientist and Director- Aquaculture Research and Development 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon, OH 45661 614-247-9681 740-289-4591   Research Interests: Genomics/Genetics; Epigenetics; Selective breeding; Sex-control ...

  5. Grants

    Grants Grants are typically very rare. The reality is that 95% of small businesses are started with personal savings, loans from friends and family, or commercial loans.  Some grants are available but are designed for very specific programs and industries ...

  6. Aquaculture Genetics Laboratory

    The Aquaculture Genetics research Laboratory consists of 1,250 square feet of lab space located in rooms 115 and 161 in OSU South Center main building.  Instrumentation for high throughput sample preparation and genetic/genomics and physiological analysis ...

  7. Ann Luther

    Ann Luther Program Coordinator, CFAES Center for Cooperatives Ann Luther is a performance-oriented leader with proven ability to build and manage productive relationships. She is dedicated to delivering a high-quality approach with a re ...

  8. College Credit Plus

    Earn free high school and college credit close to home as a Buckeye through Ohio State Academy: College Credit Plus at The Ohio State University South Centers in Piketon, offered in partnership with Ohio State ATI. For details, download our information bo ...

  9. Specialty Crops

     The mission of the specialty crops program is to develop alternative agricultural crops that can be economically grown and marketed from southern Ohio and beyond to enhance the income of Ohio farms through applied research and education. Since it opened ...

  10. PawPaws

    Pawpaws Objectives(s) of Pawpaw Research and Education:    This research explores and identifies new Pawpaw cultivar and variety releases and production practices for their suitability, marketability, growth and production characteristics, grafting, polli ...
