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Soybean Aphids and Western Bean Cutworm Updates
Two insects that growers may be on the lookout for are soybean aphid and western bean cutworm. The recent rain events may have also carried with them early season soybean aphid migrants that are possibly now in soybean fields. The forecast for this week ...
Rating Fusarium Damaged Kernels (FDK) in Scabby Wheat
1. Wait at least a week or so after harvest (grain should be allowed to dry in the greenhouse). 2. Mix the grain in the bag as light (i.e. damaged) grain will settle on top (use a gloved hand to stir) 3. Scoop a subsample into a 60 x 15mm petri dish (or s ...
NEW! Soybean and Small Grain Website (
The soybean and small grain production lab has gone digital. For information on research results, news, and upcoming events in the soybean and small grain lab visit You’ll also see the faces of technicians, graduate students, and unde ...
Wooster Campus Celebration of Nations
Wooster campus students, staff, and faculty from more than 30 countries display handicrafts, dresses, and other things of cultural significance. It includes music, dance, and cultural performances by the students and invited members from the community. Th ...
National Coming Out Day
National Coming Out Day also takes place in October. It is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) issues. It is observed by members of the LGBTQ communities and t ...
Cuba in an Era of Change: Elaine Diaz Rodriguez Cuban Blogger/Journalist/Professor
Learning from Your Community-OSU MCC Hispanic Heritage Month Activity
National Conference on Diversity, Race, and Learning
Tri-State Diversity Converence
The Tri-State Diversity Conference is hosted by four land grant universities from Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. It is designed for administrators, faculty, and staff from Cooperative Extension, research, and academic programs; private and public university ...
The Coming of Age of Hispanic Millennials
The Columbus Chapter of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs is cohosting the visit of Mark Hugo Lopez, director of Hispanic research at the Pew Research Center with The Ohio State University. Mr. Lopez will talk about “The Coming of Age of Hispanic Mill ...