CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Honors Study Program- EPDM

    Student ID * 8 or 9 digits. Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Statement of Intent * Briefly describe your interest in pursuing an Honors Program through the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Please include your career and research inte ...

  2. MANRRS Interviewing 101

    Join the Multircultural Students in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) to learn tips on interviewing at the 18th Ave. Library room 90. Learn tips on interviewing and network with professionals. Free food will be provided. For more ...

  3. 101 Alternatives to the Chalkboard" 40th annual Educators’ Conference

    “101 Alternatives to the Chalkboard" 40th annual Educators’ Conference on Saturday October 10th (with the option of staying Friday and/or Saturday night). Cost: $30 includes meals and program. No additional charge for overnight stays. Please register ...

  4. Northwest Ohio Landowner Conference: Natural Resources at Home

    Join the SENR Extension Team for a day filled with presentations and conversations (click here for the brochure listing the agenda) about a variety of natural resource based topics. Everything from woodlands and wildlife to ponds and pollinators are on th ...

  5. EPN October Breakfast

    The EPN October Breakfast presents Faiths Worldwide Tackle Environmental Challenges. The topic will be moderated by Greg Hitzhusen, MDiv, PhD, Assistant Professor, OSU SENR. Panelists will be Jared Boyd, Associate Pastor, Central Vineyard Church; Don Hubi ...

  6. Statewide Impacts of Shale and Alternative Energy Development Workshop

    Topics to be addressed include: The future of the shale oil and gas industry, and the impact for Ohio. Pipeline and infrastructure development across the state and how it will affect individuals and communities. Regulation of pipelines, including who is r ...

  7. Faculty Emeritus Recognized for Forestry Leadership

    Congratulations to Dr. Jack Vimmerstedt who was recently recognized for his research and inspirational teaching in forestry and forest soils by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources! ...

  8. Honors Study Program- EEDS

    Student ID * 8 or 9 digits. Name First First Last Last Email * Phone * Statement of Intent * Briefly describe your interest in pursuing an Honors Program through the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Please include your career and research inte ...

  9. $500,000 Gift from Dorothy Teater Creates New CFAES Endowment

     A $500,000 gift from Dorothy Teater and her four sons to the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will help both natural resources students and in-career professionals. The gift from Mrs. Teater, a retired Franklin County Commission ...

  10. Professional Networking in Animal Sciences

    This class is held in Kottman 112 from 12:40 to 1:35.  Our first speaker this Thursday, Sept 17, is Jim Zehringer, the Director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), with Michael Bailey, Soil and Water Division of ODNR. ...
