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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Conference participation seeds new ideas and connections

    For many years the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab (TWEL) in the School of Environment and Natural Resources has had a strong presence at The Wildlife Society annual conference. This year was no exception. Boasting one of the largest gatherings of wildli ...

  2. Soil Health in Urban Sphere

    Join the April Soil Health Webinar Series for a discussion of  Soil Health in Urban Sphere with   Dr. Fernanda Krupek (The Ohio State University) and Dr. Jeff Hattey (The Ohio State University) Recordings will be available through the Ohio State Extension ...

  3. Comparisons of Soil Health Tests and What They Are Telling Us

    Join the March Soil Health Webinar Series for a discussion of  Comparisons of Soil Health Tests and What They Are Telling Us with Dr. Jim Ippolito (The Ohio State University) and Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins (The Ohio State University). ...

  4. 2025 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference


  5. Great Lakes ROTA-RC Seminar- Integrating Farmer Needs into Childcare Solutions

    Presenter: Dr. Shoshanah Inwood Learn about out the unique challenges farmers face in accessing affordable quality childcare. This interactive breakout session will include an overview of national USDA and CDC funded research findings examining how access ...

  6. Ohio Woodland Stewards- Owl Prowl

    Spend the evening with OSU Extension’s Marne Titchenell and Carrie Brown as we go on the prowl for Ohio’s owls! Join us for hot drinks and tasty treats, as we chat about owl species and ecology, then hike into the woods to call in these silent hunters. Th ...

  7. Citations Matter: Exploring and Expanding Your Citation Practices

    Citation is not a neutral practice. In the realm of academia, our citation choices wield significant influence—shaping discourse, amplifying voices, and impacting scholarly recognition. Yet, how often do we pause to reflect on the implications of these ch ...

  8. Beyond the Scale: Embracing Body Diversity and Challenging Weight Stigma

    Traditional views of health often equate wellness with body size and weight, but these metrics only tell part of the story. In this workshop, we will challenge the long-standing focus on weight as a measure of health by exploring the concept of Health at ...

  9. Graduate Exit Seminar- Victoria Drumm

    Plan to join Victoria Drumm's graduate exit seminar on December 18, 2024, at 12:00 pm  via Zoom. Victoria will present, "Impacts of intermittent light pollution on Bluegill Sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) foraging and antipredator behaviors" ...

  10. Graduate Exit Seminar- Joseph Hinz

    Plan to join Joseph Hinz's graduate exit seminar on December 17, 2024, at 10:00 am  via Zoom. Joseph will present, "Multi Scale Evaluation of Early Successional Habitat for Ruffed Grouse in Ohio" Abstract:  Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus), ...
