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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Seminar: Amanda Luoma and Bethany Denton

    Approach for selection of individual enteric bacteria for competitive exclusion in turkey poults AND The effects of feed level and source of orange peels on the culture of the rumen ciliate protozoan, Entodinium caudatum ...

  2. Pre-Grad Working Student Program

    Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital is searching for students for the hospital (surgery/ medicine/ sports medicine), equine reproduction center, and the ambulatory department. (Ambulatory students must commit to working from mid-January to mid-June.) Det ...

  3. November 2, 2015


  4. ASAS Scholar Recognition 2015

    Each year, the American Society of Animal Science awards high achieving students with Undergraduate Academic Recognition. ...

  5. An Evening of Excellence 2015

    The Department of Animal Sciences held its 3rd annual recognition program, An Evening of Excellence, at The Fawcett Center Friday, March 27. ...

  6. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    Dr. Leon Weaver (right) and Dr. Bruce Hull (left) were inducted into the Dairy Science Hall of Service Friday night at the Department of Animal Sciences annual recognition event, An Evening of Excellence. ...

  7. DeBruin Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. Steven DeBruin was inducted into the Animal Science Hall of Fame Friday night at the Department of Animal Sciences annual recognition event, An Evening of Excellence. ...

  8. Vita Plus Internship

    Vita Plus has posted an opening for their Summer 2016 internship. The objectives of this internship is to introduce an undergraduate student to the activities of a dairy nutritionist and the feed industry. This internship will include time with Vita Plus ...

  9. Students Present at Denman

    Seventeen Animal and Meat Sciences students presented their undergraduate research at the 20th Annual Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. ...

  10. UnDIPsputed Championship

    Towers Agricultural Honorary would like to invite you to the "UnDIPsputed Championship” competition. This is an event for CFAES faculty, staff, and students to show off their tailgating skills and serve their best dip! Come out to try an unlimited va ...
