CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Due


  2. Virtual Mandatory Volunteer Training


  3. Jr. Leadership Meeting


  4. Volunteer Drive Through Event


  5. Drive Thru Pick Up for Volunteers

    Due to our office being closed through Friday, January 15 th and not re-opening until Tuesday, January 19 th, following the Martin Luther King Holiday, we are doing a one-day drive thru pick-up event on Monday, January 11 th from 9 a.m.-6:00 p.m. in front ...

  6. Virtual Ohio Fair Managers Association Convention Jr. Fair Day


  7. New Year's Day- Office Closed


  8. Seneca County OSU Extension Office- Closed to the Public Through 1/15

    Effective December 21st through January 15th, the OSU Extension Office will be closed to the public. All employees will be 100% telework at this time. Please call 419-447-9722 or e-mail the appropriate employee. We plan to return to our office schedule of ...

  9. Mandatory Annual Volunteer Training

    Dear Seneca County 4-H Volunteers and Advisors, It is time to register for one of our annual Policy 1.50 trainings and 4-H update that will be held virtually via Zoom. Please read the letter below for more information and details on how to register for on ...

  10. Santa's Workshop

    Have fun making and creating Holiday crafts and presents through these step by step instructions provided to you. All of the instructions are in the form of a presentation or a video.There are ten crafts to make. The Seneca County Junior Leadership hopes ...
