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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 4-H Open House


  2. Hail injury to corn varies depending on development stage

    The impact of hail damage is largely dependent on corn’s stage of development. Hail affects yield primarily by reducing stands and defoliating plants. Most of the hail damage results from defoliation. Generally, the corn plant is little affected by hail p ...

  3. Hay and Straw Barn Fires a Real Danger.

    We’ve heard of one barn fire here in Ohio this morning and a lot of hay was put up last Thursday ahead of the rain. Much of the hay was wetter than it should have been for safe dry hay storage. Watch those moist bales very carefully for the next two to th ...

  4. Is yield jeopardized when replants result in excessive stands?

    When widespread replanting occurs as it did this year, situations arise in which the original corn planting is not entirely killed and competes with the replanted corn. To make room for a replant, several herbicide treatments are recommended and these wer ...

  5. Determination of ear size in corn well underway

    During the past two weeks, corn has “exploded” in growth in many Ohio fields. Under favorable growing conditions corn plants can grow nearly three inches per day between V8 (i.e., the eight leaf collar stage) and V15. However, there is considerable variab ...

  6. 1st Generation European Corn Borer Management in non-Bt Corn

    European corn borer (ECB) was once our most important corn insect, but its population has decreased over the past 20 years, likely due to Bt-corn that provides excellent protection. For this and other various reasons, many farms have switched to corn that ...

  7. Interested in becoming a Certified Crop Adviser?

    CCA Exam Registration Closes This Friday – for specialty exams and the basics This is the last few days to register for the August Certified Crop Adviser exams. The exams include International, Local Board (Ohio, Indiana and Illinois for us), Manure Manag ...

  8. 2017-19


  9. Field Crops Day at Northwest (Wood)

    Details to come. Corn Soybean Small Grain Production ...

  10. OSU Extension and OARDC Agronomy Field Days

    It has been an interesting spring. Have questions? We may have the answers; we certainly want to have a discussion. Come to one or all three field days in July. Put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend. OSU Weed Day, South Charleston- July 12 t ...
