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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Seasonings and Sauces

    new recipes coming soon... ...

  2. Slow Cooker Recipes

    new recipes coming soon... ...

  3. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    Private pesticide applicators with a license to purchase and apply restricted use pesticides are required to attend 3 hours of recertification training every 3 years to maintain their license.  Private applicator license categories are: Core (basic pestic ...

  4. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs

    Fertilizer applicators who received certification are on a 3-year renewal cycle similar to the pesticide license applicator program.  Those applicators who received certification during the fall of 2014 or winter of 2015 need to attend fertilizer recertif ...

  5. Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Vist for more information. ...

  6. Forage Sampling

    Getting a reliable forage test result is dependent upon gathering and submitting a sample that accurately represents the forage you will be feeding.  Click on the following link to access a forage sampling guide that describes the process and procedure fo ...

  7. OSU Extension Conference – Outreach and Engagement Conference

    As a land-grant institution, The Ohio State University has the three-part mission of supporting the learning and growth of students, the creation of knowledge, and improving the lives of Ohioans through outreach and community engagement. OSU Extension pro ...

  8. Confidence in Leadership

    Self-confidence is often seen as a cornerstone of effective leadership, some view it as necessary to lead, to establish authority, to communicate, and to productively direct others. Come explore how self-confidence interacts with authority, power, and inf ...

  9. Grain Storage Management

    Grain storage management is important for the livestock manager dependent upon feeding good quality grain, as well as for the crop manager storing grain as a marketing strategy.  The following articles and publications provide guidelines and management de ...

  10. Food Evolution movie screening

    Movie screening and discussion afterwards with Dr. Alison van Eenennaam, UC-Davis geneticist, who is featured in the film Free event – register at Watch the movie trailer at: ...
