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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Jim Grossman Public Lecture

    Jim Grossman, PhD, executive director of the American Historical Association, discusses careers for graduate students outside of the academy at the Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Theater. Limited seating is available for RSVP at ...

  2. 2015 Butler County Dairy Service Unit Annual Meeting

    Butler County Dairy Service Unit Annual Meeting ...

  3. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  4. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  5. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    Hopefully all teens have gotten back into school mode now that they have been back in school for almost a month after their winter break.  As a parent, it has been a challenge to get my own kids back on a good study pattern.  Most parents today have busy ...

  6. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  7. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  8. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  9. Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates

    All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...

  10. The World Until Yesterday

    The Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program welcomes Jared Diamond, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse. Diamond will discuss The World Until Yesterday: What Can We learn From Traditional Societies? The Lecturer Pr ...
