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Know Risk Factors for Forage Cyanide Poisoning
We have had a run of beautiful fall weather recently with temperatures above average but at some point that is going to turn and we are going to get our first frost of the season. When frosts and freezes begin, livestock owners need to be aware that some ...
Farmer Cooperators Needed to Document Effects of Pipeline Installation on Soil
Several Wayne County farmers have expressed concern to me over the number of pipeline projects scheduled to cut across farmland and the resulting impact on soil productivity and length of time it will take to restore disturbed areas to anything resembling ...
Try It, You’ll Like It!
When is the last time you tried a new food? How about a new recipe? Sometimes we all struggle with eating or purchasing the same foods, but especially with young children it’s important to offer new foods to expand their food choices. Sometimes that’s ...
Provide Water to Baby Calves
Even though temperatures are cooling down, continue to provide free-choice water for dairy calves. Calves are not born with a functioning rumen; they can’t digest forages until the rumen begins to develop. It is known that grain helps rumen development a ...
Liming Considerations
Last week in this column I briefly discussed soil testing. Soil pH is one piece of information received on a soil test report. Soil pH affects nutrient availability, herbicide activity, and crop development. Regular, periodic soil testing can tell you ...
Healthier Lifestyles
Wow, what beautiful weather we’ve been having! I love to be able to get outside to enjoy the sunshine at the end of the day and even the crisp morning and evening air. What is your favorite time of day? What do you and your family enjoy doing to be act ...
Soil Sampling
Fall is a good time of the year to sample soil. Basic information included in standard soil tests include soil pH, buffer pH, soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity, soil nutrient levels for phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and base satu ...
Abnormal Corn Ears
As we get into our corn grain harvest season, it will not be uncommon this year to see some abnormal corn ears. A few weeks ago, Peter Thomison OSU Extension corn specialist wrote a very good article about this topic. Excessive rainfall followed by late ...
Solar Energy for Agricultural Production Workshop
Solar energy use is growing and finding practical applications in a number of agricultural enterprises. Many agricultural operations have been able to take advantage of programs that help them to pay some of the installation expense. Come an learn more a ...
Grain Bin Safety Procedures
Take some time before the harvest season to review safety procedures around the grain bin. Anyone who works around the bins and grain handling equipment should know where to find shut-off switches, fire extinguishers, and emergency phone numbers. Some g ...