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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Asian Ladybeetle Infestations May Be Severe This Season

    October 2, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- Images of insects swarming upon a residential neighborhood is the stuff science fiction movies are made of. But fiction has become reality for many Ohio residents who are invaded year after year by the multicolored Asian lad ...

  2. OARDC Event Focuses on the Edible Garden

    October 9, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Innovative horticulture designs, such as the "edible landscape", are breaking the bonds of traditional planting principles. Martin Quigley, an Ohio State University landscape ecologist, said such designs shatter t ...

  3. Sweet Corn Production and Management Focus of Ohio State Extension Program

    October 18, 2001 PIKETON-- Growers interested in getting the skinny on sweet corn production--from selecting BT varieties to managing insects to effectively marketing the crop-- will have the opportunity to attend a Sweet Corn School to be held on Nov. 16 ...

  4. Herbicide Varieties Effectively Control Winter Annual Weeds

    October 30, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- The struggle to effectively manage winter annual weeds may get easier for corn and soybean farmers. Ohio State University weed scientists have identified several herbicides that help control common chickweed and purple dea ...

  5. Strategies to Help Control Mastitis to be Discussed at Dairy Conference

    October 30, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Effectively managing the period between lactation and calving of dairy cattle is a key to controlling mastitis, a bacterial infection that affects milk quality and production. Richard Meiring, of Ohio State University' ...

  6. Preliminary Data Links Human Illness to Animal Disease Found in Sheep

    November 6, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- An animal disease that has potential links to a human intestinal illness may be more closely tied to sheep rather than dairy cattle, where the disease is most commonly associated. Ohio State University veterinary researcher ...

  7. OSU Extension Seminar Hosts Internationally Known Economist

    November 6, 2001 NEWARK, Ohio- Anyone who owns a family business or is interested in starting one will have the opportunity to learn business tips from an internationally known economist at an Ohio State University Extension-sponsored seminar. The Licking ...

  8. Raised Beds Effective in Blueberry Production

    November 13, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- The practice of growing fruits and vegetables on raised beds has proven to be successful for blueberries, providing growers with a cheaper, more beneficial alternative production method. Ohio State University research has ...

  9. OSU Extension to Hold LEAP Training

    November 13, 2001 PAULDING, Ohio- Practicing sound environmental technologies is a key component to maintaining a successful livestock farm while helping to enhance the industry's responsible image with consumers. "Livestock producers want to bu ...

  10. Plant-Based Meal Paves Way for \"Organically-Grown\" Fish

    November 13, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Cottonseed meal has been found to be a viable alternative food source for farm-raised trout, giving the aquaculture industry the opportunity to provide "organically grown" fish to consumers. Ohio State Universit ...
