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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    Thank You for Participating in Campus Campaign 2016. Connecting the dots was the theme of The Ohio State University campus campaign, which ended May 2. Final participation figures can be found here.   Appreciation Event Photos Week 8 Featured Funds Campai ...

  2. Agriculture Outlook and Policy Meeting

    Learn what's ahead for farmers and ag businesses in 2016. See flier for speaker and registration info. Also more info is posted at ...

  3. Farm Management Seminar

    The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...

  4. Farm Management Seminar

    The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...

  5. Farm Management Seminar

    The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...

  6. Farm Management Seminar

    The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...

  7. Farm Management Seminar

    The 2016 Farm Management Seminar, a five-session workshop series, will focus on the financial education that goes along with operating a successful farming operation. Although the farm management school targets those who are new to agricultural fields, an ...

  8. Fall Scholarship Dinner 2014

    A record 350 people gathered for live music, great food and valued company at the 2014 Fall Scholarship Dinner. The Ohio Union’s Archie M. Griffin Ballroom looked like a campsite in the woods, complete with fireside stories about scholarship, tent, kayak, ...

  9. Dean's Spring Dinner 2015

    The Ohio State University Airport at Don Scott Field served as a scenic backdrop for the 2015 Dean’s Spring Dinner. Nearly 200 guests filled a decorated airport hangar to celebrate the college’s non-scholarship donors, whose support benefits faculty, teac ...

  10. Ohio Hops and Malting Barley Conference and Trade Show

    Hops is a main ingredient beer manufacturers use to provide bitterness to balance the sweetness of malt sugars in their product. As more Ohio-based craft brewers seek to procure hops grown locally, interest in growing these crops continues to rise. This c ...
