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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Ohio State wins Livestock Judging competition for the first time since 2004

    The Ohio State University Livestock Judging Team won the Keystone International Livestock Exposition (KILE) Collegiate and Junior Livestock Judging contest on Oct. 6, at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Exposition Center in Harrisburg, Penn. ...

  2. Ohio State Livestock Judging Team shows strong start

    The Ohio State Livestock Judging Team placed seventh at the 2012 National Barrow Show held Sept. 8-12 in Austin, Minn. for their first competition of the season. ...

  3. About Us

    The OSU Leadership Center is led by a group of professionals dedicated to providing leadership-centered education and research to individuals, families, organizations and communities. We provide high-quality practical programs to build and strengthen lead ...

  4. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    The Undergraduate Research Office (URO) will host the 20th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum on Wednesday, March 25th in the RPAC from 12:00- 3:00 PM.  If you're interested in undergraduate research, this is a great opportunity to see what types of ...

  5. Little "I"


  6. Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. David R. Hawkins was inducted May 17 into the Animal Science Hall of Fame. ...

  7. Dr. Lynn Willett: Recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award

    Dr. Lynn Willett was honored Saturday, May 12, as a recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award for 2012. Dr. Lynn Willett received a Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science in 1966 from Colorado State University. He received a MS in Dairy Managemen ...

  8. Enrollment Appointment


  9. Who is my advisor?


  10. New Newsletter Format

    Welcome to the new format for the Monthly Roundup. The newsletter is now based out of the Department of Animal Sciences web site. ...
