CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Office Closed (President's Day Observed)


  2. Happy Thanksgining- Office Closed


  3. Veterans Day- Office Closed


  4. CFAES Recognition Program


  5. CFAES Alumni Awards Program


  6. Career Development Workshops

    Join the Career Development for one of the many workshops we are offering this autumn semester! ·         11/10/2015 (evening) LinkedIn Workshop and Networking, location TBD To stay in the know on upcoming career development events, log in to Hireabuckeye ...

  7. Select Sires Internship

    Select Sires is offering a new internship with the technical services group under the direction of Dr. Ray Nebel.  This internship will focus primarily on dealing with records from domestic and internal dairy customers.  Please see the attached announceme ...

  8. Director of Public Relations

    Position opening for a Director of Public Relations and Consumer Marketing program at the Ohio Beef Council. Staff responsibilities include the development and implementation of beef checkoff-funded programs in the areas of consumer advertising, retail, f ...

  9. Seminar: Amanda Luoma and Bethany Denton

    Approach for selection of individual enteric bacteria for competitive exclusion in turkey poults AND The effects of feed level and source of orange peels on the culture of the rumen ciliate protozoan, Entodinium caudatum ...

  10. Pre-Grad Working Student Program

    Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital is searching for students for the hospital (surgery/ medicine/ sports medicine), equine reproduction center, and the ambulatory department. (Ambulatory students must commit to working from mid-January to mid-June.) Det ...
