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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    Western Ohio Precision Ag Day will be held on July 12, 2016 in Covington, Ohio hosted by Miami and Darke County Extension. The day will begin at the Covington Eagles, 715 East Broadway Street, Covington OH 45318 and will then be continued on a local farm. ...

  2. Horse Clinic

    Horsemanship ...

  3. News: David Willoughby Received Lifetime Achievement Award from Ohio Turfgrass Foundation

    David Willoughby served as coordinator of the turfgrass management program at Ohio State ATI for more than 20 years. Nearly 1,000 students have graduated from the program during his tenure and his students have gone on to have successful careers in the in ...

  4. News: Applications sought for Ohio State ATI Assistant Dairy Herd Manager

    Wooster, OHIO- Ohio State ATI is accepting applications for Assistant Manager Dairy Herd. The selected candidate will provide management support and assistance to all operations of the dairy herd and farm:  activities include care and use of the dairy her ...

  5. Cooking Workshop 1: Beginner Cooking Projects

    Projects Included:  (459) Let’s Start Cooking, (483) Sports Nutrition 1: On Your Mark! (484) Snack Attack!, (487) Fast Break for Breakfast       Professional(s):  Tina Hiller, Demi Snider RSVP at: ...

  6. Sewing Workshop-Intermediate/Advanced

    Projects Included: (411) embellish: A 4-H Guide to Wearable Art, (412) Sew for Others, (415) Active Sportswear, (418) Loungewear, (424) Clothing for Middle School (430) Shopping Savvy, (406) Clothes for High School and College, (408) Creative Costumes, (4 ...

  7. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: What's that Weed?

    Join us to l earn how to identify weeds in your flower and vegetable gardens. We’ll cover some of the most common species and some not so common weeds to look out for.  Learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing weeds and reasons why. The ...

  8. 4-H Home Economics Day Camp

    For full details along with a registration form, please click here. ...

  9. Master Gardener HelpLine

    HelpLine is open every Monday 10am-1pm by calling 440-3945, and choosing Option 1. Master gardener volunteers are available by phone or you can come see them in person on the ground floor of the Old Courthouse. They provide fact-based answers. Also, check ...

  10. Jr. Leadership Club Meeting

