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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. New Year's Day- Offices closed


  2. Christmas- Offices closed


  3. President's Day (Observed)- Offices closed


  4. Indigenous People's Day (Observed)- Offices closed


  5. Thanksgiving Day- Offices Closed


  6. National Day of Racial Healing

    What is Racial Healing? Racial healing is a process that restores individuals and communities to wholeness, repairs the damage caused by racism and transforms societal structures into ones that affirm the inherent value of all people. It makes it possible ...

  7. [WORKSHOP] The Language of Inclusion: Pronouns and Other Gendered Words

    Pronouns are tools for effective and efficient communication, and their intentional or unintentional misuse can cause confusion and harm. Using gender-affirming pronouns and avoiding unnecessary use of other gendered words is essential to creating spaces ...

  8. Guilherme Signorini

    Guilherme Signorini Courtesy Appointment 225 Howlett Hall Ph.D. 2015 Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University M.S. 2013 Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University B.Eng. 2008 Agronomic Engineering, University of Sao Pau ...

  9. [WORKSHOP] Gender Demystified: Creating Inclusive Spaces for People of All Genders

    Gender Demystified: Creating Inclusive Spaces for People of All Genders Whether you're transgender, cisgender, or agender, you have a gender identity. Frequently confused with gender is sex, but these two terms refer to very different identities. And ...

  10. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is excited to recognize Breonna Shepherd for earning a competitive scholarship to attend the recent Women in Agribusiness Summit held in Denver, Colorado in September. Sponsor ...
