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Communiqué March 14, 2012
Speed of Trust – 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders-from Keith Smith, associate vice president and director, OSU Extension Trust is “confidence born of the character and the competence of a person or an organization” (per Stephen M.R. Covey in his book Th ...
Communiqué February 20, 2012
Video Communiqué Available Online The latest edition of the Video Communiqué is now available online: Thoughts on The Speed of Trust -Keith Smith, associate vice president, Agricultural Administration and directo ...
Communiqué February 6, 2012
10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership During 2012, we will publish short statements by OSU Extension Administrative Cabinet members describing how they strive to incorporate inclusionist behaviors into their work. Refer to the introductory article in th ...
Communiqué January 9, 2012
10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership-Keith L. Smith, associate vice president, agricultural administration and director, OSU Extenson To borrow a comment from OSU President E. Gordon Gee in an Excellence to Eminence note this past fall – it is importan ...
Communiqué December 23, 2011
A Message from the Director As 2011 comes to a close, I want to say thank you again for the tremendous work you all do on behalf of OSU Extension. I’m very proud of your dedication and embodiment of our mission, and I know our clients and partners are mos ...
Communiqué October 28, 2011
Organization Update-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension As announced earlier this week, the link to our newest edition of the Video Communiqué is now available online. It includes updates about the budget, other funding, the structure refinement, sha ...
Communiqué November 23, 2011
Interact with OSU Extension Online OSU Extension is developing a significant online presence, and you can now find links to OSUE’s various social media applications in one place. At the bottom left corner of the main Extension Web site (www.extension.osu. ...
Communiqué October 10, 2011
A Message from the Director-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension I would like to quickly revisit and recap my message in the last Communiqué. When I’ve stated a number of times recently that our organization is alive and well, I’ve meant that I feel w ...
Communiqué September 21, 2011
OSU Extension is “Alive and Well”-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension As I meet with county commissioners throughout the state this month – to present an Extension update on our structure during the CCAO (County Commissioners’ Association of Ohio) fa ...
Communiqué August 24, 2011
Message from the Director- Thoughts on Leadership-Dr. Keith Smith, director, OSU Extension In my role as Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership, one of my goals is to influence Extension education and leadership practices. I work with the Gist C ...