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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 2015 Agronomy Field Day

    Flyer ...

  2. Looking back at the 1990s

    Last year marked the 40th anniversary of Ohio State ATI's first graduation class of 110 students. We'd like to give you an idea of some of the changes that have occurred in the past 40 years and to that end have put together a video overview of ...

  3. OSU Experts Offer Beef Quality Assurance Training Workshop

    The workshop is targeted toward any cattle producer who is interested in learning proper management techniques to ensure a safe and wholesome beef product for consumers, said John Grimes, beef coordinator for Ohio State University Extension and a member o ...

  4. 2015 Ohio Sheep Day

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center and Ohio State University Extension present 2015 Ohio Sheep Day at the Greene County farm of Jim and Denise Percival. Topics include: Pasture renovation, Sheep management, Equipment, Manure and compost ...

  5. Tree Tour and Talks

    The Miami County Master Gardeners present a walking tour of Miami County's "Barboretum" and featured speakers include Fred Hower, "The Ohio Nurseryman". Registration information can be found here. ...

  6. 2015 Field Crops Day

    Program is free and open to the public. Pesticide Re-certification and CCA credits are available.  Program includes: •Management of Soil Borne Diseases in Ohio •Results of Nine Year P and K Fertilization Study •Drought Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What Is the F ...

  7. “Dinner on the Farm” Picnic /Scholarship Fund Raiser

      If you are looking for an enjoyable evening filled with great food, entertainment and fantastic view of the area north of Xenia plan to attend the Saturday June 27 Farm Forum Picnic/Scholarship Fund Raiser “Dinner on the Farm” starting at 6 p.m. The eve ...

  8. Danger! Food Safety Clinic

    Nutrition Clinic Flyer ...

  9. Rocket FUN Match

    Rocket FUN Match Flyer ...

  10. Butler County Local Foods

    The growing impact of local foods is something we hear about every week.  The local food revolution, locavore, farm to table, and know your farmer know your food, are just some of the phrases used to describe a conscious desire on the part of people to ge ...
