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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Visioning OSUE 2035

    Building from the research based information gained from forecasting Ohio in 2035, we asked the questions related to how Extension might best meet the challenges in the years ahead. Visioning brings our focus back to the present by asking “SO WHAT? Now th ...

  2. 2016 Lori Williams Memorial Scholarship

    Current Darke County 4-H members, who are seniors graduating from high school with the Class of ’16, are invited to apply for the Lori Williams Memorial 4-H Scholarship.  Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be planning to further their education af ...

  3. Mating Barley and Hops Farm Tour

    OSU Extension in collaboration with The Greene County Agronomy Advisory Board invite you tour of Little Miami Farms, located at 3391 Cemetery Road, Xenia OH 45385 at 7:00pm on May 31, 2016. The night will be focused on discussing malting barley as a comme ...

  4. 2016 Ohio Sheep Day

    The 2016 Ohio Sheep Day covers a wide range of essential topics. Registration is $15.00 for Ohio Sheep Improvement Association members or $25.00 for non-members, both include lunch. Sponsored in conjunction with the Farm Bureau. ...

  5. 4-H Club Financial Summaries Due

    Ohio 4-H Club Financial Summary- To be completed for each program year ...

  6. Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water

    Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water is a new Signature Program for OSU Extension which was implemented in 2014. IMPLEMENTATION Implementation has been timely; due to the heightened attention on water quality and nutrient effects in Grand Lake St. Mary’ ...

  7. Master Gardener Founders Celebration

    Be our guest for an evening "In the Garden" with Radio host Ron Wilson ...

  8. Master Gardener Plant Sale


  9. Forecasting Ohio 2035

    A key component of the futuring phase of the VP Conversation strategic foresight project was identifying the most challenging trends and issues, referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. Asking the question “What will be the most imp ...

  10. Diagnostic Workshop for Master Gardener Volunteers

    Diagnostic Workshop   Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time! The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update o ...
