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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    As another semester comes to an end, and another calendar year turns, I continue to be grateful for the opportunity I have to serve the students, staff and faculty of AEDE. As Department Chair, I have the opportunity to serve an outstanding group of facul ...

  2. Livestock Production

    Sheep Production OSU Sheep Team strives t o improve the profitability, viability and sustainability of Ohio Sheep Producers through and educational process based on scientific information and identified need. See the website here. Beef Production OSU Beef ...

  3. Farm Management

    Ohio Ag Manager is a group of educators from around the state that provide information about managing your farm well. See up-to-date information on their website. ...

  4. Newsletter

    This newsletter is intended for anyone with an agricultural interest in Miami County. If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter, please email or call the office. Archives will be stored on this page. ...

  5. Environmental Policy Initiative Announces Summer 2015 Research Grant Winners

    Ohio State’s Environmental Policy Initiative (EPI) is pleased to announce the winners of its 2015 summer research grant competition. Each year, EPI summer research grants support doctoral students conducting innovative, environmental policy-related disser ...

  6. AEDE at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

    The yearly meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) was held from July 26-28, 2015 in San Francisco. AAEA is the premier professional organization for agricultural and applied economists working in the U.S. The yearly gathering ...

  7. Recreation Demand for Great Lakes Beaches and Responses to Algae

    Frank Lupi, Professor, Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, will present the Havlicek Memorial Seminar on Dec. 11th in Room 105 of the Agricultural Administration Building (2120 Fyffe Road) as part of the AEDE Applied Ec ...

  8. Examining Land Values, Rents, Crop Input Costs & Margins in 2016


  9. The Ohio and national economy: 2016


  10. Grain & Biofuel Markets in 2016

