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Plat Books
The 2015 PLAT book will be available beginning April 7th. They sell for $25.00 and checks can be made out to OSU Extension. The office is open Monday- Friday 8:00-4:30pm. Sales of the book benefit the Seneca Co 4-H program. ...
New undergraduate major in sustainability at Ohio State
An Analysis of the Effect of Federal and State Energy Efficiency Regulations on Past and Future Ohio Carbon Emissions
Fortmann and McGuire chosen for 2012 Bernie Erven Graduate Teaching Award
Partridge presents at Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference in Seattle
Cameron Thraen and John Newton present at national dairy meetings
Roe and Sheldon receive awards for "Outstanding Committment to Student Education"
Voluntary Pollution Control (VPC) Workshop, May 20 and 21st at The Blackwell
Handbook Corrections
There is a link in the 4-H page under forms with the corrections for the new handbook. Emails were also sent to advisors. If you did not get an email we are working to get all the corrected/new email addresses in and will be done shortly. If you have a ...