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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  2. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  3. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  4. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13. Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beeke ...

  5. Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications and Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist Due

    Teen Opportunity Interest checklist due October 15 th Camp Counselor, Junior Fair Board Applications due October 20 th Junior Fair Board Applications Camp Counselor Applications Teen Opportunity Interest Checklist ...

  6. Statewide Impacts of Shale and Alternative Energy Development Workshop

    Topics to be addressed include: The future of the shale oil and gas industry, and the impact for Ohio. Pipeline and infrastructure development across the state and how it will affect individuals and communities. Regulation of pipelines, including who is r ...

  7. Palmer Amaranth: A NEW Threat to Crop Production

    A Special Lunch & Learn Program Palmer Amaranth has been found in Mahoning County! Join us to learn control options- Featured Speaker:  Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Extension, Weed Scientist   Management starts now! This weed produces 100,000-500,000 seeds per ...

  8. Farm Transition/Succession Workshop


  9. Farm Transition/Succession Workshop


  10. Dining With Diabetes

