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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Increased access to local Ohio produce focus of study

    A recent study by Jill Clark, director of the Center for Farmland Policy Innovation and Shoshanah Inwood and Jeff Sharp of the Social Responsibility Initiative and Ohio State's School of Environment and Natural Resources, focuses on increasing access ...

  2. "Question the Authorities" topics at Farm Science Review address economy, policy, and alternative energy

    Please stop by OSU Central at the 2011 Farm Science Review, in London, Ohio, to hear experts discuss the current economy and its effect on agriculture. Topics also include economic and policy issues related to biomass and alternative energy production. Se ...

  3. Irwin receives grant from National Science Foundation


  4. Economic Impacts of Ohio Shale are Focus of Study


  5. Experts discuss impact of natural gas production on rural Ohio


  6. Irwin receives grant from National Science Foundation

    Elena Irwin received a new competitive grants award from the National Science Foundation to develop new spatial dynamic models of urbanization and land use change.  The two-year research project is joint with Yong Chen, former AEDE graduate student and no ...

  7. Batte Retires after 30+ years of service in AEDE


  8. AEDE major Tim Phillips wins gold at World University Games

    Tim Phillips, an Agribusiness and Applied Economics major at OSU, won 3 gold medals in swimming at the 2011 World University Games for the 100 meter butterfly, 50 meter butterfly and 4x100 freestyle relay. The games were held August 13-17 in Shenzhen, Chi ...

  9. Wrenn presents at Camp Resources workshop in North Carolina


  10. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Union County

