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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Careers in Sustainability Webinar with One Acre Fund

    Join in on a conversation about sustainability careers with the One Acre Fund from organization staff remotely from Africa ...

  2. Mock Interview Monday

    Meetings are by appointment.  The #1 thing employers say is that "Students don't know how to interviw properyly." Sign up on HireaBuckeye for a 20 minute interview with indusry professionals followed by a 10 minute review.  Check HireaBucke ...

  3. Education Abroad Fair

    Talk to experts to learn more about studying abroad. ...

  4. Environmental Professionals Network

    The Environmental Professionals Network September Breakfast will present "Eco-Labels, Certifications, Green Advertising-- How trustworthy Are Green Claims?" EPN offers excellent opportunities to network with local experts. ...

  5. Speed Networking

    Think "speed dating" but on a professional development level! Meet Alumni from throughout the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences representing a wide variety of industry areas.  You'll get to practice your networking s ...

  6. Informational Session for May 2017 Tanzania Study Abroad Program

    Informational Session for Tanzain Study Abroad Progarm- Sustainable and Resilient Tanzanian Community 5:30 pm, Location: Mendenhall Lab, Room 0125 ...

  7. ACT Meeting

    Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) is a national organization designed for students who want to pursue a profession in agricultural communiction. Ohio State's chapter is actively involved in professional development, service, and social pro ...

  8. ACT Meeting

    Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) is a national organization designed for students who want to pursue a profession in agricultural communiction. Ohio State's chapter is actively involved in professional development, service, and social pro ...

  9. Ohio State Food Science Student Receives $25,000 STEM Scholarship from Monsanto

    To encourage the pursuit of careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and agriculture, Monsanto awarded scholarships totaling $250,000 to 10 students this fall through the Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship program. The Monsanto G ...

  10. Informational Session for May 2017 European Dairy Study Abroad Program

    Informational Session for May 2017 European Dairy Study Abroad Program 11:30 am- 12:30 pm, Location: 212 Animal Science Building ...
