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Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates
All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...
Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates
All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...
Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates
All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...
Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates
All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...
Mandatory 4-H Advisor Trainings and Updates
All advisors are required to attend a volunteer training every two years- this is a Miami County 4-H Policy. However, a new policy has been issued from the State requiring mandatory annual training beginning in 2015 for all 4-H volunteers. This supersedes ...
New 4-H Cloverbud Volunteer Training
Martin Luther King Day- Office Closed
Small Farm Conference
Ohio Beef Expo ...
Muskingum County Lamb Banquet