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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Money Mangement- Class 4

    Melanie Hart, FCS Educator will be teaching her 4th class in series called "Money Management". The class title is "Spending Food Money Wisely". To register contact Melanie, contact information is listed above. ...

  2. Rabbit Committee Meeting

    Rabbit Comittee will be meeting to continue planning for the 2015 4-H season. ...

  3. Shooting Sports Instructor Meeting

    All Greene County State certified shooting sports instructors will be meeting to dicuss the upcoming 2015 4-H season. ...

  4. 2014 Ohio Farm to School Workshop: Southwest Ohio

    Time: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Registration Price: $30.00 per person Topic Sessions: What's Happening with Farm to School? Purchasing Local Foods Food Safety Making Connections with Local Producers The Education Connection Please return completed registra ...

  5. Committees

    Get Involved! There are a variety of opportunities for parents, volunteers, and advisors to play a key role in the development and implementation of 4-H program areas. One way to get involved is to join, or visit, a 4-H advisory committee meeting. Not all ...

  6. SNAP-Ed Newsletters and Information

    Proposed Revised Nutrition Facts Label Tips to Make Healthy Choices January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 204 July 2014   ...

  7. 4-H Newsletters

    September/October 2014 November/December 2014 ...

  8. Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance

    MGM Watershed Alliance- A Wise Use of Resources The Middle Great Miami Watershed Alliance promotes the wisest use of our land and water resources for the present and for future generations. As a sponsoring agency of the Alliance, Miami County Extension wo ...

  9. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...

  10. Advisor Review Night

    Advisor Review Nights are for everyone that is an advisor or volunteer with 4-H.  During the meeting you will be able to get your start up packet, learn about changes for the coming year, and have any questions you have answered.  Changes in the program w ...
