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84th Annual Ohio Plant Diagnostic Workshop
A full day of hands-on diagnostic samples, walks and updates by OSU’s Tree Amigos: Joe Boggs, Erik Draper, Jim Chatfield and all the assembled experts. If you want to learn, teach and catharse about landscape, treescape, nursery and greenhouse plant heal ...
With Changing Climate, Farmers Should Prepare
LONDON, Ohio — Climate change may trigger images of polar bears falling off melting ice slabs in the Arctic, but the changes are relevant for Ohio farmers as well. Winters in Ohio are warming quicker than summers are, while summer nighttime lows are incre ...
How to Apply
OSUE Volunteer Selection Process Complete a volunteer application Receive, at the time of application or change of position, a written volunteer position description outlining responsibilities/scope of the volunteer’s efforts Advocate [DOC] Promote [DOC] ...
Ohio Composting Industry Tour Is Aug. 24
WOOSTER, Ohio — This year’s Composting in Ohio tour, featuring industry issues and innovative facilities, will center around Lake Erie. The Aug. 24 event is for anyone interested in commercial or large-scale composting, including business owners, compost ...
Soil Health Testing Field Day
The event will focus on obtaining and maintaining healthy soil and will discuss the importance of chemical, physical and biological field tests and how they work. The field day is free of charge, and lunch will be provided. Preregistration is required by ...
CD Winter Meeting
Details will be available on the Community Development website this fall. ...
Mid-Oho Valley Grazing Conference
If you pasture livestock or want to know more about pasture management, then please do not miss this upcoming opportunity to learn from the region’s “Who’s Who” among forages and pasture management. Ohio State University Extension, West Virginia Universit ...
Cucumber downy mildew confirmed in Delaware and Franklin counties
Cucumber downy mildew was confirmed in Delaware and Franklin counties this week. Cucumber and melon growers in northern and central Ohio should assume that downy mildew risk is high and should protect their plants with fungicides. Since downy mildew has a ...
Goat and Sheep Workshop
See flyer for details. ...
Youth Gardening Programs for Educators and Others Coming in Fall
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Gardening is a great option for keeping your children off social media and in the outdoors. And it can teach as well as entertain. “When children grow their food in a garden, they are much more invested in their food sources. I have seen ...