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What will it be Today: Conflict, Compete, Collaborate?
The workplace can be a breeding ground for conflict. We can ignore or accelerate conflict, make everything a competition. Or choose to work collaboratively together to further the goals of our organization. It's a choice we make, so what will it be t ...
StrengthsFinder Workshop
Do you know your five strengths? According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend too much time focusing on our weaknesses, trying to make them stronger rather than recognizing our strengths." When you focus on your weaknesses, you miss out on ut ...
OARDC Soil Health In-service Training
This workshop will expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some experience and familiarity with particular tests, how they are measured and what they functionally reflect in the soil. The format will be informal lectures coupled with hands-o ...
OARDC Soil Health In-service Training
This workshop will expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some experience and familiarity with particular tests, how they are measured and what they functionally reflect in the soil. The format will be informal lectures coupled with hands-o ...
Agronomic Crops Team Meeting
Anyone who has an interest in field crop production programming/research for their clientele is welcome to participate in Agronomic Crops Team activities. We operate as an open team of individuals who want to provide farmers and industry with the latest i ...
CD Fall Study Tour and Retreat
Click here for more information. ...
CD Summer Unit Meeting
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CD Spring Unit Meeting
Click here for more information. ...
4-H PAS Show
Sale and Market Committee