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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Smucker's Industry Information Session

    We are hosting Smucker's for an industry information visit. They will be talking about internships available for next summer. Any sophomores and juniors that are interested in product development, microbiology, analytic methods or sensory internships ...

  2. Cargill Industry Information Session

    Cargill is coming for an industry information visit. They are on camous recruiting for internship s and co-ops. Dinner is served at 5 pm and the presentation will start at 5:30 pm. ...

  3. CD Wire- August 25, 2014

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Recognizing Good Work Our last issue discussed how two long-time funds affiliated with Extension Community Development (Support ...

  4. Food Security Conference

    The eXtension Community of Practice (eCoP) on Community, Local and Regional Food Systems will host a Food Security Conference September 29 – October 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. The conference is entitled Building Extension Capa ...

  5. On-Farm Solar Lunch-n-Learn

    Join Eric Romich, Assistant Professor and OSU Extension Field Specialist for Energy Development, to learn about on-farm solar energy development. The program is being held on Thursday, September 4, from noon until 1:30 p.m. at the Richardson Farm, 6984 La ...

  6. CD Wire- July 28, 2014

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Sharing Your Good Work (and Learning from Others) I know December seems like a long way off and the official call for Extension ...

  7. CD Wire- September 4, 2012

    AD Update: Conference Presentation Opportunity in Ohio – December 5 Looking for an opportunity to share a specific skill, promote a particular program, or discuss a topic of interest to Extension colleagues in Ohio? The OSU Extension 2012 Annual Conferenc ...

  8. CD Wire- September 10, 2012

    AD Update: Investing in 'Team' In a couple of weeks, we’ll have a chance to spend some time together at the annual CD Unit Retreat. I get excited when I think about the work we do, the way we work together, and the seemingly endless opportunitie ...

  9. CD Wire- September 17, 2012

    AD Update: Needs Assessment Survey on Climate Change Adaptation- Complete by September 26 Our colleagues in the Great Lakes Regional Water Program are conducting a needs assessment of Extension educators about their ability to provide information on clima ...

  10. CD Wire- September 24, 2012

    AD Update: Looking forward to the unit retreat... see you Wednesday! Climate Change Adaptation Needs Assessment Survey- Complete by September 26 You should have received an email last week from Rebecca Power asking you to fill out a survey for our colleag ...
