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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Fungi Fun in the Classroom!

    Anastasia (Asia) Tonti, Master in Plant Health Management As a student with a horticulture and plant pathology background, Science of Fungi: Mycology (PLNTPTH 5040) was one of the most interesting and useful classes I took at OSU. We learned about the dif ...

  2. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  3. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  4. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  5. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  6. RD/AD Monthly Meeting with OSUE Dept Chair

    A conference phone is available for this meeting. Dial-in phone number: 877-820-7831 ►enter participant code: 890250# *Meetings are held the last Monday of each month; however, meeting dates are subject to change. ...

  7. CED Quarterly Meeting- held by region


  8. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Show and Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course

    For more information, visit ...

  9. Agronomy In-Service

    Registration: Start Time Topic Speaker 9:00 Welcome Steve Prochaska 9:10 Management of Drainage Control Structures Larry Brown (not confirmed) 9:55 What do we know after two years of soybe ...

  10. Outreach Campaign: Can We Save Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer?

