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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. USDA Seeks Public Comment on Postponed GIPSA Rules

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  2. Agricultural & Environmental Law Conference

    Although located in the mid-south, this CLE is applicable to any attorneys practicing in the arena of agricultural law with its coverage of farm and ranch estate planning, agricultural credit, agricultural finance in a down economy, USDA conservation prog ...

  3. U.S. EPA Wants Public Comments on Regulatory Reform

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  4. Coffee with the MGVs: Attracting Hummingbirds & Butterflies

    Join us for a fun session on strategies to attract hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators to your garden. MGV Kathy Wilkey will discuss plants, practices and other ways to attract these desirable insects and birds to your garden. Flyer and regist ...

  5. 2017 Letter from Nicole and Showorks Instructions

    Showorks will be active starting May 1, 2017 for members to make livestock entries.  Nicole has included a letter to our families about the upcoming fair and instructions for Showorks entries.  All entries  must  be submitted on Showorks by  JUNE 15, 2017 ...

  6. Clearing the Fence Row and Trimming Back Overhanging Branches

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  7. STEM Fun Day

    There will be a STEM Fun Day held at the OSU Extension Office on Monday April 17, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  This is open to all 4-H members who are ages 8-18 years old.  The cost for the fun day is $30.00 and includes lunch.  Registration forms and the ...

  8. 2017 4-H Camp

    The 2017 Seneca County 4-H Camp will be taking "The Stage" at Kelleys Island on June 27-30, 2017.  Camp is open to 4-H and non 4-H members who are eight and in the third grade through campers who are 13 years old the first day of camp.  4-H memb ...

  9. 4-H Trip Opportunities

    Attention 4-H members, ages 14-18 as of January 1, 2018- applications for state and national trips are now available!  Youth applying for these exciting opportunities will need to complete a “resume” and interview.  The deadline for submitting resumes is ...

  10. Kick Off

