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For registration information, click HERE Join us for a tale of birds, plants and conservation with Jim McCormac, retired ODNR botanist. During his 31 years with ODNR, McCormac authored multiple books and took many on tours through Ohio’s nature. His pas ...
For registration information, click HERE Cleveland Metroparks Wildlife Ecologist, Jon Cepek, will present information about coyote ecology, urban adaptation and contributing factors to human and pet encounters. You will learn information based on local a ...
Concert of Crickets and Katydids
For registration information, click HERE Join us to learn about the musicality of natures insects with Dr. Lisa Rainsong. Dr. Rainsong spends much of her time studying and teaching music theory, while also taking time to appreciate and learn from nature’ ...
For registration information, click HERE Cleveland Metroparks Wildlife Ecologist, Jon Cepek, will present information about coyote ecology, urban adaptation and contributing factors to human and pet encounters. You will learn information based on local a ...
Wednesday produce sale
Fresh produce available from the ATI greenhouses today. ...
July 25, 2018
News: Garden open house is Aug. 3 and 4
WOOSTER- Sweet treats with zero calories? You can indulge all you want at Ohio State ATI's annual garden open house, with numerous dessert-themed gardens to enjoy. The event is Friday, Aug. 3 from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon and ...
Update on searches in progress
Submitted by Frances Whited, There are a number of searches in process for both faculty and staff. Biology position- The interviews have concluded. Thank you to the search committee and everyone who participated in the process. Ag Engi ...
Professional development opportunities
Submitted by Kayla Arnold, On behalf of Wooster Campus Staff Council I would like to share the following professional development opportunities with you: OSU Leadership Center As of July 1st, the OSU Leadership Center is offering a di ...
2018 CFAES I-Corps@Ohio team successful in competitions
Submitted by Shauna Brummet, Congratulations to the three 2018 CFAES I-Corps@Ohio teams on their successful completion of this highly competitive program to explore the market pull for the Discoveries made in their research programs. I ...