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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Allen County

      Township Resource Books: (In Adobe Acrobat PDF Format) Section 1: Township Population Characteristics and Change- Contents: Township Population, Population Change, and Population Density 1960 to 2000 ·           Section 1: Township Level Population Char ...

  2. Lecture Series

    The lecture program is a major activity of the VanBuren Program. In its current form, the VanBuren Lecture Program includes a visit of an internationally known scholar in management who interacts with our faculty, students and farm clientele in a number o ...

  3. Applied Research

    - Precision Agriculture- Computers, Information systems and e-commerce- Organic Foods- Production issues- Organic Foods- Consumer and labeling issues- Season-long Berry Production Project- Drainage Economics- Miscellaneous ...

  4. Home


  5. Country Contribution to World Economic Activity and Growth


  6. Assessment and Comparison of Farm Safety Net Proposals

    Ten Farm Bill proposals as of October 6, 2011 are examined for similarities and differences.  As a group, the proposals are a significant and important evolutionary improvement in the design of a risk management farm safety net, a step that began with the ...

  7. Sustainability of Large Payments by ACRE

    Like any risk management program, ACRE can make large payments. Given current revenue levels and a large decline in revenue, ACRE payments could exceed $10 billion in a year. However, unlike the marketing loan rate and counter-cyclical target price, ACRE’ ...

  8. Biotechnology and U.S. Crop Yield Trends

    Biotechnology varieties first became available for commercial use in the U.S. in 1996. By 2011, they accounted for 88%, 90%, and 94% of the acres planted to corn, upland cotton, and soybeans, respectively (U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National A ...

  9. Biotechnology and Variation in Average U.S. Yields

    In a previous article, we compared the trend in U.S. average yield per harvested acre for the 1940-1995 and 1996-2011 periods. The year 1996 was the first year that biotech varieties of crops were commercially adopted in the U.S.  The analysis included 14 ...

  10. ACRE (Average Crop Revenue Election) Provisions in Food, Conservation, & Energy Act of 2008

    This 1-page article describes provisions of the ACRE (Average Crop Revenue Election) program as enacted in the 2008 Farm Bill. Tuesday, January 3, 2012 Zulauf- 2008 Farm Bill- ACRE Provisions.pdf ...
