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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference CTC

    Corn University, Soybean School, Cover Crops & Soil Health, Nutrient Management & Water Quality, Manure Management, Precision Fertility, Advanced Scouting Techniques, Technology and Equipment For more details and registration, go to http://fabe.os ...

  2. 3-Hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    This 3 hour fertilizer training meets the requirements for both commercial and private applicators who do not currently have an Ohio Pesticide License Pre-register at ...

  3. Local Leadership Group Meeting

    Local Leadership Group Meeting- November 23 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) Purpose of meeting: Many Ohio Extension professionals across the state run or are involved in local leadership programs. ...

  4. Educational Resources

    Peer-Reviewed Bulletin: Comprehensive Planning based on Sustainability: A Model for Ohio Communities. Moss, M. L., (2016). This Bulletin provides an overview of methods and a process to incorporate sustainability principles into comprehensive community pl ...

  5. Energy Infrastructure Workshop

    To help keep landowners and public officials such as county commissioners, township trustees, state representatives and economic development directors informed about the potential impact of energy development in their communities, Ohio State University Ex ...

  6. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  7. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  8. Wooster Campus Celebration of Nations

    Wooster campus students, staff, and faculty from more than 30 countries display handicrafts, dresses, and other things of cultural significance. It includes music, dance, and cultural performances by the students and invited members from the community. Th ...

  9. National Coming Out Day

    National Coming Out Day also takes place in October. It is an internationally-observed civil awareness day for coming out and discussion about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) issues. It is observed by members of the LGBTQ communities and t ...

  10. Cuba in an Era of Change: Elaine Diaz Rodriguez Cuban Blogger/Journalist/Professor

