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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  2. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13.  Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beek ...

  3. Beginner Beekeeping Class

    Are you interested in keeping honeybees or would like more information to make that decision? The Miami County Extension office will be hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course starting October 13. Over the course of four weeks, learn from experienced beeke ...

  4. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    You have no doubt seen or heard about the declining monarch butterfly population. Home gardeners are encouraged to plant milkweed to provide the host plant for the monarch caterpillars. There are 13 varieties of milkweed native to Ohio, but three of these ...

  5. Statewide Impacts of Shale and Alternative Energy Development Workshop

    Topics to be addressed include: The future of the shale oil and gas industry, and the impact for Ohio. Pipeline and infrastructure development across the state and how it will affect individuals and communities. Regulation of pipelines, including who is r ...

  6. Important Tips to Make Next Year’s Garden a Success

    Have you begun the process of planning your 2016 vegetable garden?  I can hear the chuckling, if not outright laughter, at the thought of doing so now while 2015 gardens are still in full swing.  Although December and January are when seed catalogs arrive ...

  7. Dairy Service Unit Raffle-Mania

    What is Raffle Mania?  It's best described as a fast paced auction where you bid with raffle tickets on items of interest- with nearly 100 items to bid on.  When your paddle number is called...You Win!  Bring your family and friends for a night of fu ...

  8. Harvest FUN 5K Run/Walk and Pancake Breakfast

    Proceeds will benefit camp programs and youth agriculture education.  Hosted by the Butler County 4-H and Extension Advisory Committees.  For more information, please click on the links below:   Harvest FUN 5K Run/Walk and Pancake Breakfast Flyer Craft Sh ...

  9. 1st Annual Harvest FUN 5K Run/Walk

    Harvest FUN 5K Run/Walk Flyer and Registration Form ...

  10. 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School

    January 19 – 7pm February 2 – 7pm February 16 – 7pm Each session will be broadcast locally via an internet link. University educators and industry representatives have served as resource people who have addressed a wide variety of topics about beef cattle ...
