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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 4-H Program Advisory Committee Meeting

    4-H Program Advisory Committee The 4-H Program Advisory Committee is made up of 4-H Volunteers (advisors and committee members), parents and community members. The Advisory Committee works with the 4-H educator to help shape the 4-H program in Columbiana ...

  2. Tractor Supply Paper Clover Drive

    The Fall 2016 Paper Clover Fundraiser is coming October 5-16, 2016! If you are involved in a 4-H Club, consider participating in store during the event to help increase fundraising dollars and be entered into the Paper Clover Participation Sweepstakes. Us ...

  3. National 4-H Week

    Come Celebrate National 4-H Week!!! Show your pride of 4-H throughout the week. ...

  4. Sales Meeting

    Committees are to have at least 2 members of their committee attend this meeting. ...

  5. Senior Fair Board Meeting

    Senior Fairboard Meeting was canceled on 9/21/16 and moved to 9/28/16 ...

  6. 4-H Volunteer Banquet


  7. 4-H News and Notes: September 19, 2016

    Thank you to everyone that helped make this year's Wayne County Fair a positive and successful experience for thousands of fairgoers, 4-H members, volunteers, and countless others.  Your hard work and dedication throughout the year is what makes our ...

  8. Market Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes Due

    Note: All Jr. Fair Exhibitors that sold market livestock at the 2016 Wayne County Fair must turn in their Thank You Notes to the Extension Office in self addressed, stamped envelope by 4:30 pm Friday Septmber 23rd.  Market Livesotck Checks will not be mai ...

  9. Poultry / Rabbit Meat Pick Up


  10. Grain Bin Preparation

    Grain harvest is fast approaching and given our current market situation, it is likely that this will be another year when grain storage will be an important piece of a grain marketing strategy.  It is likely that some grain bins have only recently been e ...
