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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Monitor Wheat for Risk of Head Scab

    This week Pierce Paul, OSU Extension wheat and corn pathologist, provides us advice on monitoring for risk of head scab.  Wheat is now heading out in some fields, and will likely begin flowering over the next two to three weeks. On average, it usually tak ...

  2. How can you prevent food poisoning from Salmonella in your home?

    Have you ever had "food poisoning?" Food poisoning is the common term many people use to refer to foodborne illness. When an outbreak occurs,  Salmonella  bacteria are very likely the cause since this is one of the most common types of foodborne ...

  3. A Time To Begin

    It’s approaching the season of high school and college graduations, and many new life beginnings.  Many of us can reflect on a time in our lives when we were faced with these transitions.  Times when the future was uncertain or not turning out the way we ...

  4. Botulism Prevention with Small Grain Baleage

                Bacteria in the clostridial family are responsible for producing the dangerous toxin that causes botulism.  These clostridial bacteria are found everywhere in the soil and are common on plant material during harvest.  Clostridial bacteria are ...

  5. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: What's that Weed?

    Join us to l earn how to identify weeds in your flower and vegetable gardens. We’ll cover some of the most common species and some not so common weeds to look out for.  Learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to managing weeds and reasons why. The ...

  6. Basic Soybean Agronomics

    The 2016 row crop planting season is underway.  Recently Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension soybean specialist wrote an article summarizing some basic soybean agronomic factors including planting date, planting rate and row widths.  The following is an excerpt ...

  7. Outdoor Activities Can Lead to Healthier Kids

    A colleague recently shared with me a really great info-graphic prepared by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that illustrates just how much of an impact being outdoors can have on kids and their health.  Here are just a few of the key facts illust ...

  8. Take a Journey in the Outdoors

    April showers finally arrived and I’m looking forward to the May flowers it brings.  I read a recent article about Nature Deficit Disorder that really spoke to me and I’d like to share a few of the highlights.  According to the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser ...

  9. Master Gardener HelpLine

    HelpLine is open every Monday 10am-1pm by calling 440-3945, and choosing Option 1. Master gardener volunteers are available by phone or you can come see them in person on the ground floor of the Old Courthouse. They provide fact-based answers. Also, check ...

  10. Dairy Herd Health Protocols

    Last week I participated in a Dairy Herd Health and Responsible Antibiotic Use workshop taught by Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension Dairy Veterinarian.  The take home message to those dairy producers in attendance was this:  develop her ...
