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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Survey Says Precision Guidance Tops for Ohio Farmers

    June 4, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Guidance systems, like real-time kinetic (RTK) auto steer, continue to be one of the top precision agriculture components of choice for Ohio farmers, and the most rapidly adopted precision equipment, according to an Ohio Stat ...

  2. Cereal Leaf Beetle is Back in Ohio

    June 4, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The cereal leaf beetle, a wheat pest of bygone days, is becoming more numerous again in Ohio, and some cereal grain growers are seeing feeding damage to their crop this season. Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University entomologis ...

  3. OSU Extension Offers Meat Goat Field Day

    June 5, 2008 PLEASANTVILLE, Ohio-- Diversifying and sustaining a forage base to improve health and enhance animal performance will be the focus of an Ohio State University Extension meat goat field day. Forages for Goats Field Day will be held June 28 fro ...

  4. What is Wrong with This Plant? New OSU Extension Program Helps to Diagnosis Problems

    June 5, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio-- A new Ohio State University Extension program makes it easier for natural resources and horticulture professionals to identify what ails woody plants and shrubs. The Plant Diagnostic Academy, hosted by the Woodland Stewards Te ...

  5. No-Till Integral in Ethanol-Based Corn Production

    June 11, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ethanol-based corn may be getting a bum rap, in light of the growing global food crisis, but the biofuel does have value, especially when produced using the right agricultural technique. Randall Reeder, an Ohio State Univers ...

  6. High Tunnels May Protect Brambles from Winter Injury

    June 17, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- High tunnels, plastic-covered structures placed on small tracts of land, can lengthen the growing season of high-value vegetable crops, such as tomatoes. Now Ohio State University Extension horticulturists are using them to i ...

  7. Some Blackberry Varieties Make Bramble Production Easier

    June 17, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- Blackberries are a popular, high-value fruit crop for Ohio growers looking to produce a niche agricultural product. But getting the most out of the crop requires intensive inputs and high maintenance. Ohio State University Ex ...

  8. Project Focusing on Pawpaw for Preservation and Niche Crop

    June 17, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- A native Ohio tree, once farmed by American Indians on large plantations for its fruit and medicinal benefits, is being re-introduced to horticulture for preservation and as a potential niche market crop. Ohio State Universit ...

  9. Researchers Eyeing New Small Fruit Opportunities

    June 23, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- With small fruit production, such as brambles and strawberries, becoming a sustainable enterprise in Ohio, Ohio State University Extension researchers are looking at another potential niche fruit crop. Horticulturists with OS ...

  10. Safety Important Even with Manure Management

    June 23, 2008 LONDON, Ohio-- The routine of agricultural production can become perilous when attention to safety takes a back seat to the ease and efficiency of operating farm machinery. A team of safety specialists from Ohio State University Extension wi ...
