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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Past Mini-grant recipients

    2015-20016 Awardees This year two CFAES Equity and Inclusion Mini-grants were awarded.  The first was submitted by Dr. Malak Esseili, a post doctorate researcher in the Food Animal Health Research Program on Wooster Campus.  Dr. Esseilli's grant will ...

  2. Volume 17, Issue 5


  3. Carcass Hog Judging

    Carcass Hog Judging Anyone who is participating in Carcass Hog MUST RSVP to Lauren Czerwinski (330) 831-2850 or Jay Swords (330) 424-8338 by July 19th. ...

  4. Wooster Campus


  5. Volume 17, Issue 4


  6. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  7. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  8. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  9. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  10. Inclusive Excellence Training

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...
