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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Media Advisory: Governor Strickland to Attend March 18 MarketMaker Event

    March 12, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio farmers and other food producers who sell their agricultural products directly to consumers or other businesses will soon have access to a new Web site that will help them find potential buyers for their products. Ohio ...

  2. Ohio MarketMaker Officially Launches; Resource Offers Access to Local, Fresh Foods

    March 19, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Finding that local farmer who sells fresh eggs or connecting with a fellow retailer, restaurant or food processor is now just a computer click away. Ohio MarketMaker, a free Web-based resource for all businesses in the food ...

  3. OSU Extension Conference Targets New Farm Opportunities

    March 24, 2008 MARIETTA, Ohio-- New on-farm opportunities, from raising meat goats to starting a vineyard to managing honey bees, will be the focus of an Ohio State University Extension-sponsored event intended to help farmers capture the growing trend of ...

  4. OSU Extension Assistant Director Says Farewell, But Not Before Touting Organization's Successes

    March 26, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Teamwork, collaboration and specialization are what define Ohio State University Extension, aspects of the organization that outgoing OSU Extension assistant director Steve Baertsche attributes to its success and sees as ke ...

  5. Media Advisory: Meeting Features Arsenal of Educational Tools in Insect, Disease Fight

    March 28, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Keeping an eye on recurring crop insects and diseases while getting a good bead on new ones is a task entomologists, plant pathologists and other experts tirelessly advocate that farmers should never back off of. The North ...

  6. Tilling the Soil? Vertical Tillage Offers the Most Benefits

    March 31, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Farmers may practice tillage to break up compacted soil, aid in seed germination and control weeds, but how the soil is tilled has the most impact on crop productivity. Although agronomists encourage the use of no-till for ...

  7. Manure Management Focus of One-Day Summer Event

    April 2, 2008 LONDON, Ohio-- As fertilizer prices continue to soar, crop producers may be turning to manure for their fertility needs. Manure management will be the focus of a one-day event, being held this summer at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in ...

  8. High Market Prices, Low Production Costs Drive Planting Decisions

    April 4, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- High soybean prices and low input costs won out over the demand for ethanol production in U.S. farmers' decisions to plant more soybeans and less corn this year. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in its p ...

  9. Largemouth Bass Production and Marketing Focus of Workshop

    April 8, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio-- From a sport fish to a food fish, largemouth bass is increasing in popularity in Ohio. The state is currently ranked 4th in the nation in pounds of largemouth bass produced. Those interested getting in on the action have the ...

  10. Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question

    April 8, 2008 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio soybean growers, their sights set on increasing soybean acreage this year, may face crop production challenges due to less than optimum seed quality. Anne Dorrance, an Ohio State University plant pathologist with the Ohi ...
