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Were you an Achievement Award Winner?
If you won an Achievement Award as a youth and attended National 4-H Congress, we want to hear what it meant to you. ...
Butler County Teens Visit DC
A huge part of the 4-H experience is learning to be a good citizen. Many youth learn those lessons at the center of it all – Washington D.C, where they learn about government and citizen participation. ...
Teaching Youth to Provide Quality Animal Care
Livestock and companion animal projects keep many 4-H youth busy. A national program, Assuring Quality Care for Animals, is a training requirement for every youth taking an animal project. ...
Out of Trouble and Into 4-H
Every community struggles with how to help at-risk youth. The right intervention can get them out of the courtroom and on a better path. ...
People of Ohio 4-H: Larry Rummell
Larry Rummell tells the dangers of too little practice with his show heifer. It's a day he will never forget! ...
Richland County to the Rescue
When flooding threatened the Wayne County Fair, fair board officials had to make a quick decision on how to proceed. Luckily for all, Richland County had space and welcomed displaced hogs and exhibitors. ...
Ohio 4-H Horse New Judges Workshop
Event Schedule Registration Information: Registrations post-marked after Feburary 22 nd will not be accepted. If registration fees are sent in separately, payment must be received by day of training session in order to participate. Registration F ...
Events Calendar
Here are some 4-H events we thought you'd be interested in: ...
September 2018
Ohio State closed – holiday