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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Careful Corn Planting Can Reduce Yield Losses

    March 22, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Proper planting practices are the first step to overcoming yield limitations the environment can put on a corn crop. Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension agronomist, said that impact of compaction, especially ...

  2. Iceland President Focuses on Green Energy During Ohio State Visit

    April 3, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The country of Iceland is looking to transform itself into a living laboratory in the battle against climate change, and is partnering with Ohio State University to launch programs in soil conservation, carbon sequestration ...

  3. Yield Research Long-Term Solution to Biofuel Demands

    April 11, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Increased ethanol demand in the United States will most likely put strains on the agricultural sector-- from markets to the environment to crop production and food products. One Ohio State University agricultural economist ...

  4. With a Little Help Freeze-Damaged Plants Can Bounce Back

    April 13, 2007 SPRINGFIELD, Ohio-- Garden plants and some trees throughout Ohio may have suffered freeze damage from the recent cold snap, but steps can be taken to help plants bounce back to their lush and vibrant green selves. A sudden drop in temperatu ...

  5. Ohio's Wheat May Have Escaped Frost Damage

    April 18, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The recent bout of cold weather may have slowed the development of Ohio's wheat crop, but frost damage is anticipated to be less severe in Ohio than in more southern wheat-growing states. Pierce Paul, an Ohio State Univ ...

  6. Alfalfa Escapes Severe Frost Damage, But First Cutting Delayed

    April 24, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio's alfalfa crop that broke dormancy early has suffered some frost damage from the cold weather that hit the state in early April, but established, healthy stands are anticipated to recover and produce near normal y ...

  7. Ohio Corn Planting Behind Schedule

    May 4, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio's corn crop is getting a late start this growing season compared to recent years with nearly 20 percent behind last year's planting schedule, according to the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service. Not surprising ...

  8. Now's the Time to Scout for Wheat Foliar Diseases

    May 8, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- With Ohio's wheat crop under way, and performing well despite frost damage concerns, now is the time for growers to begin scouting for foliar diseases, especially on susceptible varieties. Pierce Paul, an Ohio State Univer ...

  9. New Fungicide Available to Combat Wheat Diseases

    May 8, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- A new fungicide has been introduced this season to help Ohio wheat growers in their fight against diseases. Proline from Bayer CropScience has shown to be effective against diseases such as Stagonospora leaf/glume blotch, Septo ...

  10. Worried About Fuel Prices? Grow Cover Crops for Fertilizer Needs

    May 14, 2007 PIKETON, Ohio-- Cover crops, if planted at the right time and used with the proper crop rotation, can be biomass workhorses. Based on the results of five years of Ohio State University research, cover crops supply ample nitrogen and recycle p ...
