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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Watershed Management

    Learn more about watershed management efforts in Ohio and how organizations, agencies, and individuals are working together to address water resource issues on a watershed scale. ...

  2. For Students

    The CFAES Alumni Society is committed to providing support to our future alumni by helping in their academic and career pursuits. Recognition, scholarships, and graduation celebrations are just a few of the opportunities we offer our students. Alumni Ment ...

  3. test page

    list of items ...

  4. Past Events


  5. Funding Opportunities through Academic Departments

    Animal Sciences Hourly wage positions are available to undergraduate students with at minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.  Plant Pathology Offers an 8-10 week in-depth research internship in which participants receive a $3,000 living stipend. School of Environ ...

  6. Professional Societies and Conferences

    Agribusiness and Applied Economics The Student Section of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association: Provides an opportunity for communication among student members and between students and the AAEA. It is comprised of undergraduate students fr ...

  7. CFAES Student Council

    Meetings When: Thursdays (during even numbered weeks of the semester) at 5:30 The Committee meets at 5:15pm Where: Agricultural Administration Auditorium   2011- 2012 Officers President: Derek McCracken Vice President: Lauren Eisemann Secretary: Linsey Ho ...

  8. Media Newsroom


  9. Application to Graduate


  10. Scholarships and Financial Aid

