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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Events


  2. Past Events


  3. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    The 100-year anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act, which officially created the national Cooperative Extension System, will be celebrated in 2014. Activities this year will highlight our past and focus on the current application of Cooperative Extension’s m ...

  4. Methane (Dissolved in water)

    10.00 ppm mg/L ppm Dissolved gas MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Methane levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the Ohio Department of Health Action Level. Methane gas is non- toxic and does not cause cancer. Dissolved methane beco ...

  5. Toluene

    GENERAL INFORMATION Toluene is an organic liquid with a sweet, benzene-like odor. The largest chemical use for toluene is to make benzene and urethane. The major source of toluene in drinking water is discharge from petroleum factories. HEALTH EFFECTS Som ...

  6. WILD about Freshwater Mussels?

    Join mussel experts and enthusiasts at a  workshop focusing on these amazing and  greatly diverse creatures in Ohio! ...

  7. Stream Functions Pyramid Workshop

    Stream Mechanics is partnering with Cleveland Metroparks and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to hold the Stream Functions Pyramid Workshop at the beautiful Watershed Stewardship Center in Parma, Ohio. ...

  8. Courses

    Ohio Watershed Academy 2014 The Ohio Watershed Academy (OWA) is a professional development course offered by Ohio State University Extension. The purpose of OWA is to build the capacity of current and future watershed group leaders in Ohio to facilitate t ...

  9. 2014 Ohio Stormwater Conference

    The 2014 Conference is once again presented by the Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners with support from the Ohio Stormwater Association. ...

  10. Lesson Plans

    A teacher workshop was held in September 2009 at Cherry Valley Resort in Newark, Ohio.  At the workshop the research team presented the student knowledge gaps pertaining to stream and watershed.  These gaps were identified by comparing the expert influenc ...
