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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Mary Ann Frantz named to CFAES Alumni Board

    Submitted by Frances Whited, The CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors recently held elections for four open board representative positions and the new Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) representative is  Mary Ann Frantz.  Mary A ...

  2. July 4, 2018


  3. ENR 2100 Introduction to Environmental Science

    First Things First Do some background reading and become familiar with terminology and start to generate a key word list. Wikipedia Credo Reference   Finding Sources for Your Research Article   Your assignment asks you to find a miniumum of 10 articles wh ...

  4. Family and Consumer Sciences

    Better Lives, Stronger Communities OSU Extension family and consumer sciences (FCS) gives people the knowledge, skills and tools needed to make healthy, informed choices. We teach and promote safe food practices, better nutrition, better finances and bett ...

  5. COMPSTDS 2301 World Literature Fischer

    Cultures Assignment First, do your background reading. 1.  Check out the Wikipedia article on your topic. Read for names and titles and write them down. Click on related links.  Take notes!   Now, let's find some poetry. Use the names/titles from you ...

  6. Photo op at Shisler

    Submitted by Michelle Villers, The ATI Admissions team provided a photo booth during orientation last week and it was a big hit not only with students and their families but many employees took advantage of the photo opportunity as wel ...

  7. Gerber and Hange selected for leadership program

    Submitted by Kris Boone, Congratulations to Keegan Hange and Carri Gerber, who have been selected to participate in the inaugural cohort of the Administrative Leadership Program, a leadership development and mentoring program for regional ...

  8. First orientation session in the books

    Submitted by Frances Whited, The June orientation sessions went off without a hitch (well, maybe a few minor hitches). A total of 183 students attended over three days, which were pretty jam-packed with information sessions, advising, a ...

  9. D. Elder to attend Gilman and CLS Advisor Workshop

    Submitted by Kris Boone, Dr. D. Elder has been awarded a stipend from the U.S. Department of State's Bureaus of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education to attend a workshop at the University of K ...

  10. 2017 AgriNaturalist Magazine receives national award

    Submitted by Kris Boone, The 2017 AgriNaturalist was named the top magazine produced by students by the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association at the 2018 national conference. Among those ATI graduates and former student ...
