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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Food Preservation

    Food Preservation Office Hours Tuesdays from 4 – 5PM Are you interested in learning about food preservation? Join us for these free webinars hosted by Ohio State University Extension. You are welcome to register for just one or all of them. Date          ...

  2. “Take a Break!” Email Wellness Challenge

    Do you need a break? Us too! We have been spending so much time with technology, worrying about online school or staying healthy that it’s been hard to make time for play, wellness, and celebrations. Educators with Ohio State University Extension are read ...

  3. Join Food and Fashion Board!

    Consider joining the Seneca County Food and Fashion Board, which was established in 2020. This teen board is going to serve as a group who has a lot of common interests and enjoys taking projects and learning more about food, nutrition, cooking, sewing, a ...

  4. 4-H Family Handbook Order Form

    In addition to the Seneca County 4-H Family Handbook being offered and downloadable on our website and a hard copy being provided to all advisors, we are offering pre-orders for any clubs, members and their families that might want to purchase a hard copy ...

  5. National 4-H Week

    National 4-H Week is October 4-10, 2020. Be sure to wear your green on Monday, October 5th in support of National 4-H Week and Seneca County 4-H! Wear Green on October 5 Also, the Tractor Supply Company Paper Clover campaign kicks off during National 4-H ...

  6. Fall Color Contest

    The Color Contest is for anyone age 5-12 years old. Entries can be picked up and dropped off and will be displayed at the following locations through the deadline: Seneca County OSU Extension Office- 3140 S. St. Rt. 100, Suite E. Tiffin, OH 44883 Tiffin T ...

  7. Teen Workshop

    A virtual Teen Workshop will be provided for all teens and parents who are interested and want to know more about how to get involved and what opportunities are available to them in the 4-H program. This will cover county, state, and national clubs, award ...

  8. Pickaway County Shooting Sports

    Shooting Sports Includes: Archery Hunting & Wildlife Living History Muzzle Loading Pistol Rifle Shotgun Reloading And Much More! Each Discipline teaches safety, concentration, self-discipline, self-confidence, goal setting, decision making, and courte ...

  9. Careers in Ohio State University Extension

    Our Vision: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive. Our Mission: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic, and environ ...

  10. 4-H Milestones and County Award Winners

    4-H Cloverbud Graduates 4-H Ten Year and Final Year Members 4-H County Award Winners ...
